The slash is not a turn. The slash… is not… a turn. The slash Its a stylish way to dump a lot of speed into a single glorious face shot.

You perform a slash by (we’ll say it again) never turning. You rather instead straight line down the run until you feel like you’ve reached a tremendous amount of speed. Skiing in a track helps with this. Then, you throw your skis 90 degrees to your dominate side while keeping your chest aggressively pointed down the fall line. As you brace for impact and let the snow begin to explode around you, allow the high pressure to whip both skis back down the slope while you gloriously blast through your epic powder cloud. If you did it correctly, you’ll have snow all over your face, a cloud of powder to blind everybody behind you and your photographer will be screaming out loud like a 4 year old. Its much more photogenic than a boring powder turn.

Practice this move at the resort and report back to your photographer at Steamboat Powdercats when you feel like you’re ready to show off your new moves.
Check out all the great shots here.